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Think you know how women & men 50+ feel, look & act? 

Well think again ......


It's time to smash the illogical & harmful stereotypes that impact business, recruitment & workplaces 


Shining light into the darkness of stereotypes & age discrimination

…. Let’s go! 





This is......  

This is Men 50+
This is Women 50+ SECOND
This is Women 50+ MAIN
This is Men & Women 50+




Why should you care about age stereotypes?


♦  In Australia 33% of people over 50 experience work and job related age discrimination. And 20% of people across all ages face discrimination due to their age.  Entrenched stereotypes and prejudices are to blame. 

♦  The damage caused by age discrimination at 20 or 60 to people’s wellbeing, physical and mental health, financial stability and careers is horrendous.   It impacts both women and men either directly or indirectly at some point.

♦  It’s time to absolutely knock the nonsense out of stereotypes as they are illogical and unfounded.  It’s fantasy land to assume that every person of a generation fits a homogenous box of skills, behaviours, lifestyles and appearances. 

♦  And it’s these assumptions that need challenging in the most powerful and visual way.  Employers, advertisers, marketers and media all fuel the stereotypes of what and who people are and we need to do something to flip the switch.

♦  Images are critical to demonstrate just how different people are within a generation and age range.  Physical appearances, skills, competencies, passions, lifestyle, dress styles are all very individual.  We must develop a society with an open mind and deep curiosity who refuses to follow the lazy stereotype tropes.

About  'See the person not the stereotype'

Sue Parker, profile marketer, job search and communication strategist has been a long time champion in media and her business to break down age discrimination, stereotypes and ageist attitudes.  

Frustrated that businesses, the hiring ecosystem  and marketers keep illogical and unfounded age stereotypes alive, Sue decided it was time to show not tell.  It was time to do something very different and visually bold.

Keeping your age and value hidden and minimised creates internal angst and keeps limiting stereotypes alive cloaked in restrictive beliefs. 

Read more HERE about why and how Sue launched the campaign.


The campaign has 4 main goals:

1/  Empower women & men 50+ to own and champion their age and value and not hide it.  

2/  Break down the illogical age stereotypes employers, recruiters and media  hold by showing them the reality of who people are by visual campaigns, advocacy and community and business group collaborations.

3/  Curation of image resources to reflect and dispel beliefs and biases.

4/ Support organisations and groups with guidelines to break down hiring stereotypes


Launch Media Releases

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About Sue Parker

Sue has decades of experience in  marketing, training recruitment, job search and profile branding.  She has been a strong voice against hiring age discrimination and damaging and ineffective recruitment practices.  She loves  empowering men and women to see who they are, step up and out and be proud of their unique value at any age.  Read more about Sue HERE



Latest LinkedIn Posts


A few media articles -  full portfolio HERE


Like to get involved?

Get in touch with Sue Parker 

Participants, Sponsors, Partners, Advertisers, Marketers, Media Enquiries 



☏   0416 385 779 

