Blogs to Inspire

Interview danger flags to run from

Knowing the interview danger flags to run from will save a lot of angst and time.  The more things change the more they stay the same with humans and the hiring eco-system for executives and experienced professionals.  The last few years has been rather strange and unique (read Lost in Space strange hence the image…

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Insights from the 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer Report

This article unpacks insights from the 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer Report.  Released in February, it’s a bumper report rich with data and insights. Many results are broken down by country and many are global. I have dived into the full 72 page report to share what are valuable takeaways. A deep array of research topics…

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What career animal archetype are you?

The year of 2023 will be a very different year for many career professionals and executives.  How people approach their careers will impact  success outcomes when seeking a new job, promotion or career transition.  So what career animal archetype are you? It’s  important to unpack your job search and career management archetype for the short…

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Looking for a new job or relationship? Be different to attract more opportunities

Are you a experienced senior professional or  executive looking for a new job or relationship?  Be different to attract more opportunities is the topic of this blog. .  So grab a cup of your beverage of choice and lets dive in. Why combine job hunting  & relationships? The reason I combined searching for a new…

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Strategies to navigate career ageism

Ageism is a state of mind, assumption and bias that polarises everyone.   But there are many strategies to navigate career ageism as I share in this article. You may have lost confidence  and/or struggling on the job search application mouse wheel. It can seem like a huge wastage of time? But you know the old…

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Strategies to land professional and executive jobs

The volume of new senior and executive roles available in market is robust alongside solid competition at the top end.  In this blog I outline strategies to land professional and executive jobs.   So lets dive into them. In this article I share the reasons for interviews, taking a new mindset approach with strategies that will…

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The mysterious LinkedIn algorithms

Sometimes working out LinkedIn feels a bit like a cross between a meeting of Harry Potter and the IQ organisation  Mensa.  Nothing creates more confusion than trying to figure out how to get traction on LinkedIn.  So let’s unpack the hyperbole of the mysterious LinkedIn algorithms.   CHANGES & PATHWAYS  Constant changes, updates and new…

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Building trust by stopping bulldust excuses

Trust and integrity are core values and  assets in business and life.   And central is building trust by stopping bulldust excuses.  Trust and integrity are essential assets in our professional and personal lives. But a reputation as a bit of a Pinocchio won’t help your goals, business and self esteem. And not being able to discern who…

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Why email lead magnets are losing impact

In the age of email overwhelm and content saturation  email lead magnets are losing impact. Known also as ethical bribes is there a better way to educate and influence prospects? People are growing tired of being bombarded and treated as forgetful numskulls that need constant sales messages and service reminders in their inboxes. WHAT IS…

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Why it’s important to make sure a job title matches the actual job

Battered spuds, swimwear and job titles have much in common believe it or not. In this article I explore why it’s important to make sure a job title matches the actual job title.   Understanding why and how to not assume anything will save time and headaches.   We all know that to assume is to ‘make an…

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Don’t let your LinkedIn content be spoiled by a poor user experience

Great content on LinkedIn can lose traction if not presented well.  In the famous words of Molly Meldrum, ‘do yourself a favour’ and check your UX.  So you want to ensure you don’t let your LinkedIn content be spoiled by a poor user experience. It’s not just the quality and value of good LinkedIn content…

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How engaging on LinkedIn opens up career & job opportunities

If you are an executive or professional seeking a new role, unemployed or changing careers this this  blog is for you.  Many people ask how engaging on LinkedIn opens up career and job opportunities. This article will dive into one of the most effective strategies to do so. . CAREER MARKETING MINDSET  Firstly, career and…

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The power of media & how to reach unknown markets

Regular and targeted  media exposure is highly valuable.   Visibility, credibility and awareness are key outcomes of both the individual and topics at hand.   Small to large businesses and self employed consultants should never underestimate the  power of solid media exposure. Raising market visibility and trust by virtue of exposure in top media (niche, B2B or…

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Under the covers of branding & thought leadership

Not everyone is, can be or wants to be a thought leader, major influencer or a big brand personality.  And that’s perfectly ok.  Not everyone should and could anyhow.   But everyone can be relevant, real and the best version of themselves.  In this article I get  under the covers of branding, personal profiles  and thought…

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How to give and ask for recommendations

Recommendations (testimonials) are highly valuable in building personal and business brand trust. But asking and giving them can be difficult.  In this article I will show how to give and ask for recommendations.. And I will shine a light on the pitfalls to avoid and look out for as discerning genuine testimonials from false  ones…

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Cutting through ageism bullshit

Everyone no matter their gender, race or age can be a total idiot, an amazing talent or somewhere in between.  Hard truth is ageism is a social issue stoked by all ages, races and genders.   It’s time to really start cutting through ageism bullshit. . There I said it. We are all to blame in…

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How to navigate salary questions and the recruitment dance

Oh what a dance salary discussions are.  How to navigate salary questions and the recruitment dance is not always easy. Often mixed with falls, wrong steps and nerves that cripple it’s time to pull the whole salary dance wide open. So a buckle up for all sides – candidates, HR, recruiters and hiring companies.  The…

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Reflections, life lessons and a trip down memory lane from the Neighbours finale

It was hard to believe that 37 years had passed since Neighbours first launched in 1985.  Wow the finale episode on 28th July bought so many reflections, life lessons and a trip down memory lane.  And the episode delivered far more than anyone expected.  It took our breaths away with poignancy and human value. Like…

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Riding the emotional rollercoaster of self employment

Life is like a box of chocolates as Forest Gump famously quoted.  And this is particularly so for men and women riding the emotional rollercoaster of  self employment and small business.  Helping to cope with ups and downs is the topic of this blog.   To get a little philosophical, life is full of polar opposites…

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How happy are men in their careers? Strategies to find greater career fulfilment

After many years working with men of all ages in career coaching, job search and their businesses I observed a great deal of professional and career  dissatisfaction.  This article looks at the results of a poll I ran asking how happy are men in their careers.   I also take a detailed review of strategies for…

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How to write a cover letter that wins an interview

No matter how confident, successful or experienced a person is, crafting a job application and cover letter that hits the super sweet spot to obtain an interview is not exactly an easy walk in the park.     The burning question for every professional and executive is how to write a cover letter that wins an…

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How to make wise career and job choices

Career and job decisions have a long ranging impact on our professional and personal lives. Learning how to make wise career and job choices is essential. Health, wellbeing and success is at stake with the consequences of choices made in careers or jobs.  Whether they are positive or negative, choices will have repercussions across all…

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Do you really know why you are being interviewed?

Do you really know why you are being interviewed?     Knowing the real reasons can transform your  professional  job search and career marketing experience.  And that leads to better interviews and offers. So there you are plonked down firmly in front of a recruiter, HR or direct hiring manager. You may have found your way…

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The recruitment ecosystem must become more ethical and transparent

For a very long time (read that as many decades), I have been indirectly and directly involved with the hiring ecosystem.  And whilst the world has changed greatly, we had a digital and social media revolution, populations and technology exploded, not much has really changed in the hiring world.  The recruitment ecosystem must become more…

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How to use LinkedIn to attract staff

Are you hiring or planning to hire staff in 2022?  LinkedIn is mission critical in all recruitment. All sized companies and organisations must know how to  use LinkedIn to attract staff.  With over 12 million Australian and 810 million global members, LinkedIn is the most powerful platform on the planet for professionals and all sectors.…

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Ghosting damages personal brands and reputations

In the 2009  comedy, Ghosts of Girlfriends Past,  Matthew McConaughey’s character Conor is a notorious flirt who burns and churns women without notice.   Did he show any awareness, or care that his behaviours and ghosting damages personal brands and reputations?  Certainly not in the beginning.. But when the movie brings back the living ghosts of…

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Why and how to be more memorable

Why and how to be more memorable is the goal of  all marketing and personal branding activities. Whether applied to companies, brands, leaders or career professionals, the same focus and success elements apply. It’s not always easy to stand out, differentiate and be remembered in saturated digital channels and LinkedIn.   But the opportunities to…

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Reference Checks – Reputations, Truth & Diligence

Personal brand trust and reputations can rise or fall from the integrity and due process of reference checks and feedback.   Leaders, recruiters, head hunters  and hiring managers have a crucial  role in ensuring the integrity of reference checks and how they inform decisions. Reputations and trusted due diligence is fundamental in building reliable  personal and…

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LinkedIn Top 150 Hashtags 2022

LinkedIn Hashtags are a critical element of content marketing and search on the platform.  I have updated the LinkedIn Top 150 hashtags  2022 as an easy reference guide.   The purpose of hashtags is to clearly categorise content to create easy distribution and visibility of subject matter and keyword topics.   It draws and aligns converted…

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The art and value of charm

With looming holidays, a few glasses of bubbly or ale and parties, everyone becomes more relaxed often transforming into charming Xmas elves. The art and value of charm is certainly ubiquitous at the silly season time of year.  The season of good will (which is just so  needed after the last 2 years of lockdowns)…

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Newsletters end a big year of change on LinkedIn

A whirlwind of changes and new tools have been a hallmark of LinkedIn during 2021 as the platform also celebrated their 18th birthday.  Now Newsletters end a big year of change on LinkedIn. . LinkedIn maintained its foothold as the premier platform of professional networking, content and conversations along with the reputation of rolling out…

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Good manners on LinkedIn is essential to build trust

Good manners on LinkedIn is essential to  build trust and attract clients.  Respect and  etiquette  can never be underestimated in developing a strong  personal brand, trust and career and business  networks. LinkedIn is the largest professional network in the world providing an influential gateway to connect businesses, brands and people in ways that were never once…

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LinkedIn Content – What you need to know

If you are serious about using LinkedIn in your business or professional career, then quality content needs to be a key part of your  strategy. But there are so many content options, features, tools, misinformation  and algorithm challenges which can be overwhelming. This article unpacks the when, how, why and what of LinkedIn content and…

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Why the great resignation may be a lot of hot air

Great predictions from surveys and public sentiments don’t always translate to reality.  And this is why the great resignation may be a lot of hot air. The unwinnable May 2019 Federal election for the Liberal party is one of the greatest examples of this. Labour was a shoo-in based on opinion polls and forecasts. But…

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Podcasts – are they hot or not?

Podcasting is the latest content format which has boomed in recent years.  With a plethora of new shows and hosts rolling out daily every topic is covered. From comedy, religion, sport, politics, heath, current affairs, business, self-help,  science, careers,  family, mental health, sales, marketing, media no subject is excluded.    According to the 2021  Infinite…

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Navigating self doubt

Self doubt in all its nuances is a natural human condition. It is prevalent in both men and women, across all professions, ages and roles. Navigating career self doubt is essential as rarely will anyone be exempt at some point or level. But there are some people who don’t suffer self doubt at all.  They…

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The impact of your voice on LinkedIn

A voice says and conveys so much.  It’s a window to your personality and your communication style.  So the  impact of sharing your voice tone and style  on LinkedIn cannot be underestimated.  You’re the voice, try and understand it  – Make a noise and make it clear –  Oh, whoa.  We’re not gonna sit in…

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Why Australian businesses must embrace age diversity

Businesses and recruiters are reporting a significant candidate short market in a wide range of roles at levels not experienced for many years.   Many workplace analysts and recruiters predict 2021 will be one of the toughest years for talent acquisition for over 10 years.   The latest SEEK Employment Report  announced that March this year recorded…

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Holding personal brand power in public sector careers is vital

Perception is reality unless disproved. Taking control and holding personal brand power in public sector careers is vital. If you are in the public sector your  career and  brand impression management is in your hands. But there are some crucial areas to be mindful of and obstacles to overcome for many. Prejudices and narratives originate…

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Protecting your LinkedIn brand reputation

Protecting and amplifying your LinkedIn brand reputation is essential.  Whether using the platform for  career expansion, leadership development, corporate networking, business sales generation, perception and reputation goes hand in hand. With over 11.2 Million Australian and 756 Million global members, the platform is noisy and competitive.  And with the urgency and quest to  take a…

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