Archive for January 2024

Are you emotionally ready for the job search theme park?

Managing my job search

The job search ecosystem is a lot like Disneyland and Luna Park.   Once you enter through the amusement park gates, you better be prepared to hold on tight and expect the unexpected.  Are you emotionally ready for the job search theme park?   The roller coasters, dodgem cars, water wild thrills, gravitron’s and plethora of…

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Why career executives must stop lurking on LinkedIn

Don't lurk on LinkedIn

This blog discusses  why  career executives must stop lurking on LinkedIn.  I look at why engaging is important, what stops many contributing and how to comment and engage with gravitas..  But first up – are you  one of the millions lurking, browsing content regularly, keeping quiet &/or hesitant to engage on LinkedIn? Well you would…

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How to bowl over ageism

Help with career ageism

Many professionals and executives over 45 are contemplating a new role, career change or continuing their job search.  And a question top of mind for many men and women is how to bowl over ageism. Some will have lost their mojo and confidence from 2023 &/or struggling on the job search application roller coaster.  Many…

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