Archive for November 2023

Being too trusting or too sceptical can harm your business or career

Success is a combination of many elements. And risk prevention is one of them as being too trusting or too sceptical can harm your business or career.   It’s a bit like the Goldilocks conundrum – too much, too little and just right is the middle ground we seek. Now I’m not referring to cybercrime and…

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Do you feel like a hiring puppet on a string?

Pushing back against hiring requests. Dont be a puppet on a string

Way back in 1967 Sandie Shaw recorded the hit song Puppet on a String.  Whilst the lyrics were written for a love interest, by gee they hold court in the hiring ecosystem.   Do you feel like a hiring puppet on a string when interviewing for jobs? Before I dive into the issue at hand, let’s…

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What does being overqualified really mean? Cracking the hiring code

What being overqualified really means

What does being overqualified really mean?  Is it about ageism? Is it just a lazy trite hiring excuse?  How can you  get to the truth?  How can you navigate and minimise the job search risk? These questions keep millions of executives and professionals awake whilst scratching their heads.  And there is no one size fits…

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